19 Kansas Community Colleges - One Voice

- Promoting the most affordable higher education option in Kansas
- Meeting the needs of students, Kansas businesses, and communities

Attend a Kansas Community College at No Cost to You Through the Kansas Promise Scholarship
Kansas Promise Scholarship Fund Specifics
This is a "last dollar scholarship," which applies after all other federal aid and any outside scholarships are subtracted from the student’s bill.
The scholarship pays for tuition, fees, books, and supplies for up to an associate degree. It allows the student to attend community college without cost except for room and board expenses.
$10,000,000 in funding is available across the state, and has been already appropriated for FY 22 and FY 23 to fund the program.
Eligible Students and Income Limits
Students can attend full- or part-time (at least 6 hours in the fall, spring, or summer semester) and complete a program of study within 36 months.
Eligible Students Include:
A Kansas resident who has graduated from an accredited Kansas public or a private secondary school (or Kansas homeschool) within the preceding 12 months.
A Kansas resident who has been in Kansas for three or more consecutive years.
A dependent child of a military service member permanently stationed in another state who graduated in the last 12 months.
A Kansas resident who was in the Kansas foster care system but for whom the Kansas foster care tuition waiver does not apply.
Income Limit:
All eligible students must have a family household income of:
Equal to or less than $100,000 for a family of two
Equal to or less than $150,000 for a family of three
Equal to or less than $150,000 plus $4,800 for each additional family member for household sizes greater than three.
Eligible Areas of Study — Any Two-Year Associate Degree Program, CTE Certificate or Stand-Alone Program in the Following Areas:
Information technology and security
Mental and physical healthcare
Advanced manufacturing and building trades
Early childhood education and development
One additional program identified by each institution (see links below for the eligible programs at each community college)
Student Obligations for Accepting a Kansas Promise Scholarship
Complete the FAFSA.
Complete the Kansas Promise Scholarship Application.
Enter into an agreement to live AND work in Kansas for two years post certificate or degree completion.
Students may delay the obligation if pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
Maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) and complete program of study within 36 months of first receiving the Kansas Promise Scholarship.
Please note: If the student fails to fulfill scholarship requirements, the amount of the scholarship must be paid back plus interest.
Eligible Promise Scholarship Areas of Study at Each Community College
Apply today to start the Kansas Promise Scholarship process and attend a Kansas Community College at no cost to you! Scholarship covers all tuition, fees, books, and required supplies! To see a current list of eligible Kansas Promise Act programs you can see a list at the Kansas Board of Regents website here.
Allen County Community College
Allen County Kansas Promise Act Landing Page
Barton County Community College
Kansas Promise Act | Barton Community College
Butler County Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship | Butler Community College
Cloud County Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship Cloud County CC
Coffeyville Community College
Coffeyville Community College: Kansas Promise Scholarship
Colby Community College
Colby Community College Promise Scholarship
Cowley Community College
Cowley Kansas Promise Scholarship Landing Page
Dodge City Community College
Kansas Promise Act Scholarship - Dodge City Community College
Fort Scott Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship | Fort Scott Community College
Garden City Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship Garden City CC
Highland Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship| Highland Community College
Promise Eligible Fields of study for Highland CC.
Hutchinson Community College
Hutchinson Community College Kansas Promise Act Landing Page
Independence Community College
Kansas Promise | Financial Aid Independence CC
Johnson County Community College
Johnson County Community College Kansas Promise Act Landing Page
Kansas City Kansas Community College
Kansas City Kansas Promise Scholarship Landing Page
Labette Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship | Labette Community College
Neosho County Community College
Neosho Kansas Promise Scholarship Fund Landing Page
Pratt Community College
Kansas Promise Scholarship | Pratt Community College
Seward County Community College